Alliance & Leicester PPI Claims – A history Payment Protection Insurance, often referred to as PPI, was sold to tens of millions of individuals in the UK over many years. There were many banks that were selling this ineffective insurance for the purposes of astronomically increasing their own profits. We take a little look into […]
Lloyds PPI bill increases by £900 million Earlier this year, in a previous announcement regarding it’s figures to the city, Lloyds decided not to add to their PPI compensation fund, prompting analysts to confidently predict it was the beginning of the end of the PPI scandal. I disagreed with that prediction in my blog, pointing […]
Lloyds PPI bill rises as jobs are cut As we approach the time of year again where banks announce their quarterly figures to the city, it appears there will be a double blow for the Lloyds Banking Group which includes Halifax, Bank of Scotland and Blackhorse to name a few. The bank which is part […]
Blackhorse PPI Claims – A short history Payment Protection Insurance, commonly referred to as PPI, was sold to millions of people across the UK. There are many financial institutions and money lenders who are culpable. Here we review one such offender, Blackhorse Finance, and how you may be able to make a Blackhorse PPI claim. […]
Bank of England Deputy Slams Fines According to Andrew Bailey, Head of the Bank of England’s Prudential Regulation Authority, regulators need to adopt a “cards on the table” approach and agree to sensible penalties for bank’s wrongdoing. The deputy governor of the Bank of England has come out and said that the global regulators need […]
PPI Compensation Bill Increase and Foreign Exchange Fines The next few weeks could prove to be very costly ones for a select few of the big banks in the UK. HSBC, Barclays and the Royal Bank of Scotland are expected to set aside large sums of money to cover for impending foreign exchange fines. This […]